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Just another homicide...

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed May 21, 2008 7:25 pm

"I think I might, just because I don't like you." She threatened, kicking the back of his seat, "You and your stupid aviators that don't even work with the shape your head is. You disgust me."


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed May 21, 2008 7:32 pm

"Cut it out." he growled, watching her through the rear-view mirror. "And for your information, I look /good/ in these sunglasses." Novak scowled. "You always were obsessed with fashion. I hate fashion." he muttered under his breath, too quiet for her to hear.

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed May 21, 2008 7:55 pm

"You can't make me 'cut out' anything Richard." She growled back with a smirk, kicking a few more times until there was a dent, then sitting up, "Ohhh, that sucks."


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  KT Sat May 24, 2008 4:15 pm

"You know what? Just get out." Alex growled, slamming on the breaks - ironically, back where he had picked Zee up. "I guess I can't help someone who doesn't want help." he eyed her angrily. "And you're paying for that."


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Sun May 25, 2008 3:24 pm

She leaned back in her seat, staring back at him, her face lacking expression, as her memory began to kick, "You're getting on my back because I've changed, yet you've turned yourself into a certified asshole. Every word you’ve allowed to ooze from that mouth of yours has dripped with hypocrisy. I won’t pay for your seat because I don’t want to. Thanks for this though Balto, I had feared that loosing you keeping an eye on me meant I missed out on something, thank you for allowing me to realize how incredibly wrong I was. You can just live on as ‘that one guy that fucked up that one part of my life once’.” With her last statement she whipped her door open, “I can only hope that as soon as you pull away you get blind sighted. Nice seeing you again. Have a good day.”


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Jay Sun May 25, 2008 5:08 pm

What the hell? Did the normally morbid, depressing scene of a grisly murder turn into some kind of watering hole for every facet of the city's law enforcement? When the crap had that happened?

For a minute, Slame could only stare at Latha, a mixture of irritation, confusion and- oh God, he wanted to kick his own butt half across the lawn- happiness tumbling over one another in his chest. On the one hand, he was just a bit annoyed that WP was there, thus jeapordizing the whole 'keep the case in the department's hands' deal that he'd been fighting for, for the past month. The Feds were salivating over the chance to catch the now very notorious Kiddy Killer- not quite a tabloid grade name, but the local papers had yet to come up with a good one, according to him- and it had taken every single contact he'd made since he'd gotten his badge to keep it in his hands.

Which brought that whole 'confusion' thing to light. The last time he'd seen Latha, had been with his buddy, Balto. Seeing her now was just...wierd. Especially since she wasn't crying and carrying on.
Damn, he was such a woman. But hey, the old goofball was his only friend, and hell if Kevin Slame didn't take care of his own.

And if he had a third hand to rest the 'happiness' on, it would be focused on the fact that there was actually someone that he could semi-trust standing next to him. Ah, it was such a nice feeling.

His mouth was open to say something else to the Marshall, but the sudden appearance of two very unfamiliar faces behind her made him swallow those words.
And count to ten, before that rampant irritation spilled over and made him do something that he regretted. It just wouldn't do to haul back and slug an old man, temporary insanity or no. He just had to take a deep breath, think of his happy place, and keep his very frayed calm.

...While trying his best not to make a comment about Mr. Pink Shirt 'N Doggie Collar. Lord...he wasn't THAT old, but had fashion really took such a freaking nosedive? He'll never make fun of Arry's pink cowboy boots again, as long as it doesn't rub off.

"Why don't you tell me who the HELL you are, and what the HELL you're doing walking around my crime scene?" Slame replied to Grev and the older man, doing his best to keep his voice as friendly as possible. So what if it came out sounding like some kind of 'eat shxt' growl? At least he wasn't beating someone over the head with his gun.

"Or, better yet," Another voice rang out in a thick Southern drawl. "Why don't all of y'all tell me why you're standing over my boss, who looks like he's about to have a heart attack because he's ready to move the body and can't?"
Standing with her hands on her hips, Arry glared at the people surrounding Tobias and the poor dead girl. She could really give two farts if they had a right to be there; Tobs had promised her dibs on the autopsy, and that wasn't something that she was about to hand over to someone else, because they'd taken so long to get back, and she was officially off the clock.

Standing, the ME dusted the dirt off of his pants, nodding to Arry. "Thank you, Miss Valerian. Ladies and gentlemen, please make room." Two techs wheeled a gurney into the mix, and in two seconds flat, the body was wrapped in the normal plastic and hoised onto the stiff mattress.

Moving forward, she made sure to hip chuck Slame on the way over to her boss, now following alongside his patient. "Next time," She said over her shoulder, grinning at the detective's squawk of protest. "Make your introductions somewhere else. You're irritating my boss, AND walking all over damp grass that just may have some footprints on it. Slame, I'll be seeing you later, so remember, you owe me beignets. Slame's friends, I'll probably see y'all later too," Brown eyes sliding to Grev, she tossed a saucy wink in his direction. "Nice collar, cher. If only it came in pink; they'd match my boots."
That said, she turned on her heel and marched after Drone.

Resisting the urge to find something hard to start banging his head against, Slame sighed. "Right," He said, rubbing at his forehead as yet another headache roared to life behind his eyes. "That was Arry; Assistant ME and crazy woman. Latha, and you two: get behind the tape and we'll talk in a minute. The last I checked, this was MY crime scene, and I don't feel like getting a cast of unknown footprints and finding out that they were yours." Giving each a bloodshot glare, he motioned for the uniforms to come over and escort them all onto the street.


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Sun May 25, 2008 9:30 pm

"No way in hell." Latha shook her head defiantly, standing with her hands on her hips, glaring toward the approaching uniforms-- it was an authoritative posture, and she'd already used it twice that morning. How... wonderful. "I didn't claw my way up in Special Vics to get kicked out of a crime scene. I've put in some time with the PD, Detective Slame, and I know a little bit about preserving evidence. Trust me, you won't mistake these demonic shoes for your perp's. Unless your perp has a... strange sense in fashion." She almost smiled at the detective: the feeling of "happiness", and she had to admit that was what it was, was mutual.

At least she had someone to work with who was as much of a cliche workaholic with social issues as she was. It was always a relief not to be the only screwed-up one in law enforcement. Especially when she knew she wasn't going to be sleeping much in the next few days.

She exhaled violently, adjusting her jacket with a roll of her eyes. Latha wished she was back in her field clothing, not the pinstriped suit she was always forced to wear whenever she was working with witnesses in court. If anything, it made her look weak, more like a prop than a crazy chick cop with a gun. Which she, however unfortunate for some, was. She shot the two newcomers a look, sizing them up with her piercing blue eyes, then forced herself to relax.

Latha knew that neither of the two posed her any threat, and probably weren't going to snap and attack her-- Slame, on the other hand, he was questionable-- but some habits were hard to break.

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Mon May 26, 2008 5:35 pm

Forgetting that he was supposed to be in hiding, Alex stormed out of the car after her. "I was giving you a fresh start." he snapped. "I don't see how getting you out of an abusive relationship ruined your life. You're just looking for someone to blame for the fact that you screwed up. Again." Alex glared at her, fuming. He was taking his frustrations out on her, and he knew it was wrong. But he had a temper, and once he was started, there was no stopping him. "What would Jenna think if you know, huh? Has she even seen you? Or is Auntie Zee too much of an embarassment to be let around the rest of her family?" He regretted saying that last bit as soon as it came out.

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Mon May 26, 2008 5:55 pm

She whipped around, in doing so, the back of her hand caught his face, leaving a red imprint; “Jenna has been dead for the past two weeks you self-serving bastard.” She hissed, giving him a surprising strong shove backwards, “Not that you would give a shit, you only care about yourself, everything you ever told me ended up to be a lie, you promised that you would fucking be there and you weren’t, you didn’t give me a fresh start, you gave me a shove into a direction I wasn’t meant to be in.” She kept advancing, every time he was too close she shoved him back more, “Now get back into your damn car and go. I haven’t seen you for all this time and the only fucking thing you can do is yell, again. So don’t point your fucking finger into my face because something didn’t go your way, it isn’t my fault, it was your own ignorance that lead to it.” She suddenly just stopped, her jaw clenching and relaxing and she shook her head, taking a few steps back, “Get the hell out of my life. You don’t even know me.”


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Mon May 26, 2008 6:02 pm

"What?" Alex's face fell, taking her abuse without any objection. It's not like he didn't deserve it. He'd gotten very attatched to Jenna for the short time he knew her. "Zee, what happened?" She had to be lying...surely that poor little girl wasn't dead. The fact was almost too much for him to comprehend.

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Mon May 26, 2008 6:12 pm

"She got sick. She fought it for awhile but she was too young to be able to hold up against it, plus her mother didn't want to spend that kind of money on her anyway and had the cord pulled." She answered in an almost robotic monotone, "So don't....ever-" she stopped when her voice cracked slightly before she allowed herself to continue, "...ever in your life, mention her in that context or I swear to god, I will tie you down and burn you alive."


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Mon May 26, 2008 6:16 pm

Alex looked stunned. How could she not have been worth the money? She was an innocent child.. "God..I'm so sorry, Zee..." was all he managed to say. He was at a loss for words. He took a step forward, about to comfort her...but figured she wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Jay Mon May 26, 2008 6:23 pm

It was hard, but Slame managed to take three deep, calming breaths. He'd just issued an order in his best 'nice voice', and so far, he'd gotten a 'no' from the one person whose stubbornness was close to his own.
If only his head wasn't pounding so hard, he'd have cracked a joke and made the situation better.

"Yep, you know what, I could give a rat's crapper," Slame growled. Turning around, he waved at a group of officers standing idly off to the side of the scene, and with a collective frown, they trotted forward. "All of you are leaving my crime scene right now, because my boss is currently storming across the barricade and looks like he wants to drink my blood." A stubbled chin nodded at a tall, lanky man currently making a beeline toward their little group.
"So scram. All of you. I'm not asking- especially not to you, Lathalia- and if you don't comply, my buddies here will throw you in lockup so fast, you'll be singing 'I Feel Pretty' with the rest of the drunk tank."

The officers moved forward, each cornering one of the strangers surrounding the scene. wasn't like there was a body to stare at anymore, so what was with the gather'n gawk party, here? Slame took another deep breath and added as civily as he could "And if you all give me fifteen minutes to explain to Chief O'Brian why everyone's gathering around the crime scene, I'll answer all the questions your little minds can think up. And," He shot a glance at Latha. "See why everyone's so interested in my case."
He had to add that last one in, if only for the principal of the thing.

The remaining officer stood idly next to Slame, who had opened his mouth to say something else to the effect of 'if y'all don't start moving in the next ten seconds, I'll have Arry come back over and eat your faces', but the sounds of fighting reached his ears first. His very bloodshot eyes twitching spasmatically, the detective pointed one scarred finger in the direction of the loud noise, and the uniform was off like a shot.

There were plently of rumors going around as to a certain suspect in a past homicide getting his arms broken and knees dislocated, and a certain young detective's many connections. Nobody wanted to get on Slame's bad side right then...especially when he started to get that weird twitchy-thing going.

"Is everything alright here?" The officer asked Zee, looking at Alex with a speculative look on his face.


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Mon May 26, 2008 6:37 pm

Her upper lip curled upward slightly in utter disgust of the polyester bearing newcomer to the conversation, “Did I say it wasn’t? Since when did anybody in your entire field ever give a shit about anyone but themselves, eh? You’d be the last person here in an actual situation but when people are simply talking you’re just all over it aren’t you?” Her arms crossed, still irritated with Balto, and now taking it out on anyone else who wanted to say anything at this particular moment, “Now, I don’t know the specific numbers for this particular situation but get the hell up out of my face. 10-4. 72-8. 69-69.”


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Mon May 26, 2008 7:01 pm

She could sense the interdepartmental turf war brewing.

Slame's reaction was identical to what she would have done, and she felt a twinge of sympathy. Latha shook her head and shook it hard, pulling herself up to full height as she nodded to the uniformed officer to her right. They couldn't do a thing to her-- if they recognized her, and she sure as hell hoped they didn't. She considered ducking beyond the tape, explaining herself, and heading back in, but that wouldn't accomplish anything except irritating the detective even further. She was in a tough position, and her reasons for needing to stay weren't exactly, well, easy to explain.

Lathalia had been sent to the scene for two reasons: One, she'd gotten routine orders from WP to take a look, though that had gone south instantly. Two, she'd been sent on assignment, Special Victims style. Lathalia happened to have 1.5 jobs, working as a Manhattan SVU detective named Olivia Stabler, courtesy of the Marshals. She had infiltrated eight months earlier, in order to pave the way for a relocation who now worked alongside her in the unit. Her priority was witness protection, but it also meant she had to work cases. And this happened to be one of her cases. As well as Slame's. How incredibly complicated.

If she let anything important slip, she chanced exposing her witness, which was dangerous AND stupid.

"Slame?" She rubbed her eyes, fighting off her own thought-destroying headache, before continuing. "Just... I seriously need to be here, otherwise I'm going to have my boss--who probably knows yours-- ripping out my throat." She cringed, but it was the best she could do, with everyone around. She reached into her trench and touched her gold sheild, knowing that using it would certainly cause someone to flip a shit.

Latha glanced beyond the rather irritated crowd they formed, and caught sight of someone she hoped she wouldn't run into. He knew he wasn't supposed to be here, damn it, she told him to stay out of media attention! Why the hell had he just waltzed in, as if no one wanted him dead? The... idiot.

Last edited by TrialByJury on Mon May 26, 2008 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Mon May 26, 2008 7:43 pm

ooc: Ahh, I didn't even take notice to your reply, sorry Katie.

She didn't move from her spot, she just stood there, staring him down, "Thing is, you're not. You're not sorry." She corrected quietly, shaking her head slightly before releasing a sigh, propping her head on her fingers to calm herself down, "And this definately isn't what I planned on happening today."


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Just another homocide...

Post  Justice16 Mon May 26, 2008 10:03 pm

With a throaty laugh he purced his lips giving everyone a sturdy glare. "Grevige Marzollo-Forensic Anthropologist... I didn't want to come here but my boss forced me to-Again. Are there any more skeletonized bodies around? I'd like at least some work." He said slyly.

He set his thumbs in his belt and leaned on one hip-giving him a more western style. A soft breeze caught his navy hair as he looked behind him.


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  KT Tue May 27, 2008 11:53 am

"But I am, Zee. You know I loved Jenna. She was sort of like a daughter to me..." he paused. "Look, I can't tell you why I've been gone...but I can say that I am truly sorry. I should have been there for you and I wasn't."


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Tue May 27, 2008 5:26 pm

Her face softened, but only slightly before it turned into an accusing squint. "Why can't you tell me? What did you do?" She questioned instantly, slipping the crimson heels back onto her feet, pushing her height close, if not into the 6 foot region. With the advil she had popped previously numbing her headache, the only problem that was occuring as an after-shock of her high was the fact that her hands were trembling, something she could easily hide by slipping them into her dress' pockets.


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Just another homocide...

Post  Justice16 Thu May 29, 2008 6:47 pm

Johnson stood beside Grev. (I think he's still beside him.... oh well-I say he is) squinting at the young man and women. "Shit! What is this world coming too. Crime scenes being looked after by 19 year olds! By God! The worlds ending-People cutting themselfs because they think its cool! Now FBI's and ME's, and other people who work for this shit are damn underage!!!" He bellowed up at Grevige.


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Fri May 30, 2008 9:48 pm

(Well, I was waiting for more people to post, but oh well...)
"Crap." he muttered, spotting Latha heading his way. Maybe she hadn't seen him yet...nope. By the look of that death glare he was getting, she had definetly seen him. "I /am/ sorry, Zee." he said quickly. "I'll..explain what I can to you later. But I /really/ have to go." he said, looking to her, speaking softly so that the cop couldn't hear. "Oh, name is Alex Novak. Got it? /Not/ Balto. Please...just remember that. I'll find you later." he said, before dodging into his SUV.

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:51 pm

She frowned slightly and smoothly jumped into the passenger side of the SUV. "I don't know why you think I've changed so much that I would let you get away with pulling that kind of bullshit, but I'm not leaving your side until I know as much as you do." She snapped sharply, crossing her arms and staring him down. "Besides, the chances of you finding me again would be slim to none."


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:15 pm

Shit, shit, shit. the triplet curse repeated through her mind like gunfire at the sight of suits and that yellow tape.

At first she thought her number was up, but after a very sensitive nose caught the scent of singed hair and skin, twisted curiosity drew her forward into the crowd of photographers. Shit, shit, shit. There it was again. Her internal monologue was in a frenzy, though her external appearance was placid and unflinching...albeit a little shocked at the scene. To her credit, so were the expressions of many of those around her. Though she had significantly more reason to be shocked.

The apartment, or charred remnants of part of the apartment, was her own residence. She'd spent the entirety of the last night wasted, and left the apartment to buy herself some more excursion which had taken longer than expected, given she'd left her fake ID in her apartment...which was no doubt semi-melted laying around the crime scene somewhere.

Shit, Shit, SHIT! It was louder this time in her mind, and echoed with more vibrato about her aching skull. Her ID. There was a dead body (a girl she'd only seen in passing) and her ID was somewhere in there. Even if it had been charred into oblivion, the cops weren't so stupid that they didn't know who Lyrra Watson really was. They only played stupid due to an unspoken peace treaty...and someone in the building she lived in was dead...and she was standing no less than fifteen feet away from the scene of the crime with a bottle of vodka in a paper bag clenched in her hand. Oh shit. Oh shit shit shit. Mayday, fall back, retreat. Get your ass out of here, NightShade.

One faltering step backwards followed another. She couldn't simply run...that would draw altogether too much attention. She was known as a master of escape, but she had a mild hangover and was hardly in a situation to escape...not with half the godforsaken police force there. Slow steps. One...and then the other. Slow breathes. She just had to ease her way out, and lay low...she couldn't be brought into cages, no bars, she simply couldn't deal with them...maybe NightShade Andante could...but she wasn't really herself anymore..she was a useless, hollow husk of herself...lonesome, hopeless, pathetic.

Thunk! Her slow steps only backed her up so far, until she walked backwards into the rather large SUV. She jumped slightly, her hand releasing the paper bag as she whirled around. Crash!...Shit. There went her booze...dammit...and the noise probably sparked the attention of one of those nearby suits.

"S-sorry," she mumbled to the driver of the SUV, her pale blue eyes staring into her own reflection in his aviators," Didn't see you there," now all she had to do was edge away...but something rooted her in place...what a familiar and obnoxiously large car.


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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:43 pm

"Zee, now's not the time to be stub-" his sentence was cut off as a loud thud interrupted him. For a moment, he thought he'd maybe run someone over, until he realized he wasn't actually driving. Duh. Idiot. He frowned through his aviators, trying to figure out what the hell had happened, when he spotted the woman. "No way. No freaking way." he said in a sort of dazed voice, immediately jumping back out of the car, forgetting his current situation all together. "Nightshade, is that really you?" he asked softly, momentarily removing his aviators before jamming them back on. Crap! Had she recognized him? Of course she'd recognized him. They'd known eachother for years - even longer than he'd been partners with Slame. Alex wondered if she'd heard of his 'death' - er, /Balto's/ death. That could make things really akward. The ex-FBI agent glanced over his shoulder at an angry Latha...and oh crap, was the /Slame/!? This was not good. He'd already endangered Latha and Zee, and now possibly Nightshade and Slame too? Maybe he wasn't cut out for this whole secret identity thing.

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Just another homicide... - Page 2 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:56 pm

"Shit!" It was a spoken profanity now as she stepped back a few paces. Her mind wasn't focusing up to par at the moment. She'd taken his "no freaking way." to be a stifled sort of rage, disbelief that someone's belt might scratch up their paint job. This thought shot out all mentality that the car looked familiar...and then he had to go and say her name. Not Lyrra Watson, NightShade. Oh god, he recognized her, he knew her, she was screwed. She was entirely, totally screwed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she fumbled," Listen, I'm sorry about your car, I'll pay for it as soon as I get some cash..its just..." she stared over her shoulder at the apartment, and all the people...all probably armed," Oh fuck..." She missed him without his glasses. Even if she had, it wouldn't have mattered.

It wasn't as if she wouldn't have recognized him. She knew the face, and she should have known the voice...but he was dead. She'd seen it in the obituaries, and it had near killed her, driving her deeper into her depression. Balto was dead, dead as a doornail, and she hadn't been able to get up the nerve to go to the funeral...if there had been was too much of a risk. He was simply someone else..with a similar car...and she as in deep shit. It didn't even cross her mind that this could be Balto...Balto was one of the tally marks of her dead friends that she'd hacked into the flesh of her own forearms.


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