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Just another homicide...

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Just another homicide... Empty Just another homicide...

Post  Jay Thu May 15, 2008 9:29 pm

Sometimes, it just didn’t pay to get out of bed in the morning.
And it was even worse for a guy, if he was determined to keep a sunny disposition around his head. Yeesh. The world was just a friggin crazy place.

“What do ya have for me, Donny?” The younger officer standing in front of the yellow caution tape jumped a foot, his thin hand flying to the butt of his gun. Blinking as he realized who he was talking to, his face relaxed and stance straightened.
Right out of the academy, this one was.

“Got a murder, Detective Slame.” The kid replied, blinking sleepy brown eyes at the crime scene in front of them.
Well…duh. Anyone standing in front of a practically burned out building would think of ‘murder’. But wait for it, the kid just needed a bit of steam…
“I was the first on the scene. There’d been reports of fighting and gunshots, so my partner and I headed over; we were the closest to the apartment.” The officer went on, running a hand through his hair. Said ‘partner’ was nowhere to be seen; probably off playing ‘secure the scene’ with the other greens. “When we got here, the place was smoking, and there was a…body lying facedown on the grass.” Shuffling a few steps, he nodded at the burned out lawn.

Tobias Drone, the local medical examiner, was squatting down next to it doing his thing, while a gaggle of onlookers took pictures, straining against the restricting hands.
It always disgusted him; the morbid curiosity that people had. They craved violence, loved the rush of adrenaline and the pounding of blood in their ears…

Until it was their blood pouring out of various wounds, or staining their faces, seeping into their mouths to slide horribly down their parched throats. Then it was an abomination.

Standing a bit to the side with the younger officer, Detective Kevin Slame, the department’s youngest pro, took a sip of his coffee while he gazed absently at the tourists taking pictures, the curious children inching their way forward under the yellow tape, the reporters foaming at the mouths while they smiled and preened at their cameras. Not even the park next to the crime scene seemed to distract the gawkers too much. That was New Yorkers for you; never distracted by the ordinary. Standing at a moderate height and nondescript build, he really wasn’t much to see. Evidence of morning shadow brushed across his cheeks and chin, his hair was a messy brown pile on the top of his head, and his clothes were a bit rumpled from being slept in two days in a row- cliché, thy name is Slame.

What was so interesting about him, however strange and quite frightening, lay hidden behind those deep blue eyes. If one were to look behind the title, the honor of being made detective so young, and the haughty smile that never left his face, they’d be thrown into a blood covered world; a colorless scene with an ever present frigid wind.
Like all men of his ilk, Kev had seen too much, too quickly. Born and bred in the bowels of Bensonhurst, where the Russian mob loved to show its superiority over the local white-boys, it really wasn’t a big surprise.
The lack of conscience and impending insanity, however; now THAT was the surprise in the cracker jack box.

For the past six months, he’d been on the brink of taking that offer for leave and flying half around the world to the beach where a certain close friend of his had been murdered. God…the mere thought of his partner made his hand clench spasmodically around the Styrofoam cup, causing the steaming liquid to come pouring out of the newly made cracks. Dropping it with a curse- and earning a nice glare from Drone and his henchmen- he shook his hand, biting back a few choice curses that would have the reporters crawling around the scene to start snapping pictures of the scandalous detective working the latest crime.
…Hot damn, did he wish that Balto were there. The guy just had a way with the press, and damn if he didn’t need another head in on this one. Sure, there were some good guys in the office that he could count on, but c’mon. 23 years old, and he’d been promoted to Detective, First Class. ‘Jealousy’ just couldn’t begin to describe things back in the bullpen, and he wouldn’t want to put any of the good guys at odds with those idiot whiner-babies.

They already had enough to worry about, with those pension cutbacks and dickhead Sergeants running the show.

Slipping a hand out of his pocket, he rubbed at his forehead, where a very familiar ache began to set in. Good God…not now; he did NOT need this right now. A stinging started to pierce his eyes, and he squeezed them shut, willing the little dark stars dancing around his irises to pack up and go home.

Every cop on the force, especially those in Homicide and Vice, have their problems. There are nightmares, PTSD, antisocial behavior, alcoholism, and in some cases, drug addictions; all things in which the body and the mind tries to cope with seeing the septic tank of polite society. And in the first year that he started working the major cases, Slame seriously thought that he was immune to such things, given his background; the things he’d already seen…and already done.
But, just like in his love life, he couldn’t have been more wrong.

Blackouts. It had to be BLACKOUTS, of all things.

Opening his eyes again, he was just in time to be on the receiving end of one of the most irritated glares on the face of the earth. It was almost enough to make him fall to the pavement and start beating his head against the floor right then and there.

Standing behind the caution tape, a tall, dark skinned woman stood very unhappily with her hands planted on her hips. Dressed professionally and looking as if she belonged on the other side of the officer currently trying to convince her to back off, she was definitely a sight to see…especially when one chanced a glance down at her feet, which were covered in a pair of very pink, very sparkly cowboy boots.

Arry Valerian, Assistant ME and one of the most crazy ladies he’d ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Great. Blackouts, AND insane southern women. Just what he needed right then.

“Why don’t you go help Reynolds keep the crowd at bay?” Kev said to the young officer- ‘young’. Ha. The guy was probably just a year younger than he was- sliding a cigarette into his mouth with one smooth twist. He had a feeling that he’d need it. Without waiting for an answer, he moved forward, those dark eyes looking down at the body of his latest vic; his latest obsession.
Jenny Myers; pretty, hopeful, and covered in blood.
She was only 8 years old.
What a freaking waste.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Thu May 15, 2008 10:26 pm

As if 'insane' was her cue, she shoved her way through the crush of onlookers, swearing loudly enough for everyone in a two-mile radius of the scene to hear, quite clearly, just what she thought of them. An elbow in her back or a hand on her arm made her jump, the touch of a stranger on her waist almost made her scream, but she poured her nervous energy out in a constant stream of profanity.

Her ash hair, cropped short, looked like it was fresh out of the courtroom, where she'd been forced to listen to an endless possession of witnesses pretend they knew what they were talking about for hours on end. Black pinstripe skirt suit, black eyeliner, black jewelry, hint of black lipstick, black heels. Corporate goth.

Freaking stilettos. She wanted to rip them off and unceremoniously fling them in the direction of the next person to ask her what she thought she was doing. She wasn't supposed to be here! Not that she minded. Lathalia didn't mind working-- she minded working in shoes that made her feel like she was some foot fetishist's dream. Damn it. She darted between the cameras, the gapers, until the first of a long line of uniforms stopped her.

"Miss?" The thin man's expression was haughty, condescending, and she wanted to rip the almost-smirk off his face. "No media beyond here." Of course. Because she looked like she'd showered in the last week, they assumed she was a reporter. Right.

"Lathalia Cameron, United States Marshal." She flashed her badge, the silver star winking slightly in the light. Her lucky star. "I'm as legit as anyone here, so I suggest you let me through, otherwise I might cut a bitch. You really don't want that. Trust me." She stared behind her sunglasses, hand hovering over her Glock--it was habit, really--pulled up to her full 5'2". No one said you had to be tall to work in law enforcement.

He blinked and stepped back, his surprise clearly written across his face--this woman had police powers?--and she ducked under the yellow tape, almost smiling. This was her element, her kind of day. Crimson morning. She liked those. No one knew her here and that was alright. No one knew where she came from, the fact that she'd spent the last night with a needle in her arm. Smack. Sometimes she surprised herself, but not usually. It made more sense than anything else in her life.

She stood on the sidelines for a few moments, hands on her waist, watching. She always admired a new crime scene and all its morbidity, enjoyed watching the techs do their work. It seemed so... well, if anything, it reminded her of home. With a yawn and a faint wish for coffee, she started over toward the cluster of people-- probably the vic.

Freaking shoes. Whoever invented them was a sadist.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Fri May 16, 2008 1:59 pm

A pair of brown eyes, hidden behind a black pair of aviators, watched the scene carefully from behind the heavily tinted, bullet-proof glass of his black SUV. Oh yeah - they could take away his identity, but not his wheels. Alex Novak shook his head, annoyed. He should be the one out there, holding the media at bay while discussing the gruesome details of the homicide with his partner. It's what he lived for. It's what he was good at.
Frustrated, the man turned up his radio, blaring some random rock song to drown out his thoughts. Novak considered throwing caution to the wind and going out of his vehicle to get a closer look. It's not like he'd stand out - he was wearing his black suit. But it was too dangerous. Men were after him, and they didn't care if civilians were in the line of fire. Plus, Latha would surely find out, and she'd kill him for sure. Still, he had been hoping to get a chance to see his old partner...he'd never been told the truth, and Alex wasn't sure how Slame had handled his death.
Faking his own death seemed to be the only way out of the situation he was in. It would throw his would-be hitmen off of his trail for awhile, at least. It wasn't easy, though. Novak couldn't go to work, he could only go out at night, and he could /never/ go to places where he might be recognized. But then what would happen if he were to 'take care' of his problem? He couldn't just suddenly come back to life and pretend like nothing happened.
Yeah, this whole being dead thing sucked.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Fri May 16, 2008 3:51 pm

The group of people looked so…trippy. Their bodies seemed to contort in different directions, all illuminated by a strange neon-blue light. Well, that’s what she saw at least as she slowly walked alongside the buildings, seeming to be perfectly clear-headed; her long raven locks bouncing behind her as if it belonged in a Pantene commercial. She wasn’t meaning to look mean; she was just desperately trying to focus her drug influenced sight on what all the attention was going to, doing that by squinting slightly. As her fingertips slid across the brick she tilted her head like a confused puppy, her stripper-est red heels swinging alongside her, nonchalantly hitting everyone in her way. After getting cursed at a couple times for the heels impaling a few legs she whipped around,
“Get the fuck out of my way and we won’t have a problem now, will we?” She took a moment and blinked off her dizziness, only to smile sweetly and add a smooth;
“Thanks.” She tapped the victim on the tip of the nose weirdly, mumbling something else incoherent under her breath at them before flattening the wrinkles from her dress and turning back around.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Jay Fri May 16, 2008 8:38 pm

"What do we have, Tobs?" Slame asked the reigning ME, chewing on the end of his cig thoughtfully. Arry had yet to make her way over to them, thank God, so he had only a few minutes to get the finer details before that Southern twang started messing with his brain.
He had enough freaking problems, without having to squint his eyes in an attempt to hide that 'HUH?!' look. Cajuns. It was like they spoke an entirely different language.

"I won't know for sure until we get her back to the morgue, Detective," Drone replied, not looking up from the liver probe he'd pushed into little Jenny's side. "But what I can tell you now is that COD is probably asfixiation," He air-traced the dark purple marks over the vic's throat with his forefinger. "And she's been dead for about 10 hours."

Slame nodded. This would make a grand total of 4 little girls in the past week; all around her age, same hair color, and found in pretty much the same way.
Serial killers. The bane of his damn existance.

The sounds of a 'hey miss, you can't go there' stabbed at his already very frayed patience, and the young detective turned around to snarl something obscene at what he expected to be yet another stray reporter. Hot damn, didn't these people understand the words 'stay behind the tape?' Just close your eyes, pretend you're Dorothy and stick to the freaking yellow brick road, people. Jeeze, all he wanted was a freaking...

Blinking in surprise, he stared at the familiar form walking over to their little gaggle of good feeling, the loud sounds of her heels hitting the pavement making a muscle in his eye start dancing a jig. Lathalia? Balto's Latha? Here?
Something told him that life as he knew it was just about to start rolling down hill again.

"Latha?" He said around his cig, squinting a bit against the headache lurking behind his eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?"
A man of few words, our Slame was.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Sat May 17, 2008 2:35 pm

"Same damn thing as you, it looks like." Lathalia retorted, resting one hand on her waist. She and Detective Slame were a match, both with zero patience and the tongue to go along with it. She wasn't surprised that he was here. Now, the fact she showed up looking like a lawyer... that was probably less likely. It was no use trying to fight it today-- she was going to have to deal with people, so she might as well get used to it. She yawned behind her hand, blinking down, first at the unfamiliar ME and then at the victim.

Oh, shit. It was Anna Sibley, better known as Jenny Myers, the daughter of a mob informant in the program. Her informant. Someone she had been assigned to protect, who was now apparently the focus of the NYPD's Homicide after dying in an inhuman, brutal, cold, and violent way. Of course. Of-fucking-course. She couldn't actually have a good day, now, could she?

Suddenly, Lathalia felt like asking Slame if he had another cigarette.

ooc; I took a little bit of liberty with the identity of the vic here-- I hope you don't mind, Jay. I had to tie her in somehow, ahaha.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Justice Mon May 19, 2008 2:00 pm

"I'm a forensic anthropologist... not a fucking forensic investigator. Get it through your thick skull Johnson!" A young looking, tall, handsom man growled at a-very old-, short man.

"Grev." Johnson said softly, pronouncing Grev such as Grieve-which was not the way you pronounce it-. The old man was around his late 70's but looked in his 90's. Wrinkles decorated his small round face and his neck was kept in like a turtles... Johnson resembled a turtle, he has shortened a good foot and three inches in his old age. His hair was white and was thinning.

Grevige on the other hand... Grevige Marzollo, Grev- His shaggy hair was dyed navy blue and his eyes were odd, very odd, the iris' were blue, but the pupils seemed to be missing. Glasses sat upon his nose, a nose that looked like it could've been broken. He hadn't shaved, he looked tired. He licked his lips, they were thin but the lower lip was fuller than the top. His large hands rested on his lap as they drove to the scene.

"Is the vic a fleshy?" Grev asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah... It could be called that I guess." Johnson snapped back. "Damn! Look at that crowd."

"Thats a helluva crowd." Grev said with a sigh, it kills me to see people drooling over a murder. He thought.

"I still don't see, why an anthropologist needs to be here." Grev sung coldly. His eyes glaring over his glasses towards the old man. "And hey, you shouldn't be driving. I should take away your licence old man. You pretty much ran into twelve damn cars just on this block."

"I blame the traffic. You're worse... I swear you are." Johnson snapped getting out of the car, slamming the car door. Grev followed and also slammed the dusty beaten up car door. "I need a new car." Johnson said in no one in particular.

ooc; 0-0; I don't suspect the little girl is fully burnt up nice and crispy... I'm still trying to find an idea of why Johnson is dragging Grev here soo.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Tue May 20, 2008 3:31 pm

Novak narrowed his eyes, spotting a familiar figure. "What the hell, Zee?" he mumbled in suprise. He'd never seen her like this before. Actually, he'd hope that she'd turned her life around after she moved out. But nope - looked like quite the opposite. Novak placed a hand on the handle of the car door, hesitating on whether or not he should go out and figure out just what exactly had happened to her. But someone like her was bound to attract attention - something that he didn't need at the moment. Plus, she'd probably heard of his 'death' and would totally freak out at the sight of him. Though in her current state, she might just think he was some sort of hallucination. He smirked at the thought. He could have some fun with this.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Tue May 20, 2008 6:17 pm

After staring with everyone else for awhile she blinked, “Oh my God. I think she’s dead.” Seriously, sober she wasn’t an idiot, far from it actually. She easily shrugged it off though, “Jesus, they show this one all the time.” A few eavesdroppers gave her an odd look and her eyes rolled, as if explaining it was a waste of time because it was obvious, “This is the one with the guy from the hot dog eating contest, where the hot guy from the Janet Jackson music video was all, ‘Ugh, words and stuff.’” She waited one more moment, taking in the confused looks before huffing; “Idiots.”, dropping out of the crowd and staring at her watch, trying to remember when it got onto her wrist.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Tue May 20, 2008 7:39 pm

Novak shook his head, rolling down the window just a crack. "Hey Zee. Come here." he called out, trying to make his voice sound different and unrecognizable. "And look both ways before you cross the street." he added with a smirk. His brown eyes scanned the area quickly, hoping Latha wasn't around to catch him disobeying 'the rules'.

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Just another homicide... Empty Just Another Homicide...

Post  Justice16 Tue May 20, 2008 8:11 pm

Grev crossed his muscular arms infront of his chest, he wore a pink dress shirt and dark jeans. On his neck he adorned a studded black collar, which he emphatically would not take off.

He let Johnson flash a badge and make the introduction of Grev... He patted his shoulder leaving Grev on his own, walking slowly through the crowd back to the car. Grev walked under the tap and slowly made his way over towards the body, a snarl on his flat lips. "Are there any other bodies?" He asked to anyone in ear shot, looking around.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Tue May 20, 2008 9:06 pm

Ah, the voices made a comeback. As usual, she followed the instructions carefully, an excited look on her face as she waited for the next order before quickly getting distracted and sitting down on the curb, seemingly trying to pick up an imaginary object before putting her shoes back on, as if that was the reason she sat down in the first place, humming casually to herself.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Tue May 20, 2008 9:11 pm

Novak sighed, leaning his head against the back of his chair in frustration. He tried again. "Zee. Walk to the black SUV. And don't get runover in the process." he said in a slow voice, almost as if he were talking to a child. He hadn't exactly thought of what he'd do next. Oh well. It'd be a miracle if Zee even got into the car at this rate.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed May 21, 2008 5:32 am

The time it took for it to register made it seem like she didn't hear him, but evenutally, there she was, pressing her face against his window, making awkward faces at him. Suddenly she pulled away from it, giving him a quizzical look, "Wait. Who the hell are you?"


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed May 21, 2008 1:52 pm

"Let's just say I was sent to keep an eye on you." he said, motioning to the passenger side. "Get in." He didn't want to stay in one place too long - it was suspicious, and people might start asking questions.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed May 21, 2008 4:22 pm

She let out a groan, last time someone said that, she was sent off to rehab, thanks to her -darling- siblings. However, she had learned that fighting it was pointless so she got in, her arms and legs crossing tightly, "Fuck this noise. Just another case of the man keepin' me down." She muttered, glaring over at him coldly.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed May 21, 2008 4:33 pm

Novak rolled his eyes. "I had a friend...Balto. Heard you two were quite close." he began. "He said you used to be completely clean. No drugs or anything. What happened to you?" he frowned, turning down his music so that he could hear her talk.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed May 21, 2008 5:38 pm

She merely snorted and looked out the window, allowing a shrug to roll off of her shoulders as she stared at her reflection. "I don't even know you." She hissed under her breath, shooting him a final glare before leaning her head against the window, "That name isn't ringing any bells. You must have me confused with someone else."


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed May 21, 2008 5:41 pm

Novak raised a brow. "Don't play dumb, Zee. I know that you know." he smirked slightly, starting to drive. "Come on. So why did you decide to turn down the wrong path?" he questioned, going into interrogation mode.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed May 21, 2008 6:04 pm

"I'm not playing anything." She stated flatly her voice not hinting towards a lie before she turned the radio back up, digging through her purse; serious moments tended to make her high vanish a little faster than usual. "Why are you asking me stupid shit?"


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed May 21, 2008 6:09 pm

"Because I don't like what you've done to yourself. After your boyfriend...was killed, your life was supposed to take a turn for the better, not worse." he explained.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed May 21, 2008 6:15 pm

She muttered under her breath about his comment before putting a pill on her tongue, "My life is not worse thank you. There's nothing wrong with it. Look, like I said, I don't know who the hell you are, and if you aren't going to say anything worth my time, I'd appreciate it if you didn't say anthing at all."


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed May 21, 2008 6:19 pm

"How is being completely stoned and wandering through a crime scene without even realizing it not worse?" he frowned, shaking his head, already getting frustrated. He was sort of impatient like that.

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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed May 21, 2008 7:05 pm

"I'm not being constantly pestered by reality for one.” She pointed out, “How about you get off my ass? I hate it when you people take your job so damn seriously, you’re not a psychiatrist, give up on that dream.” She rolled her eyes then looked into the back, “Holy shit, this thing is huge.” She commented on the SUV, crawling around to the back.


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Just another homicide... Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed May 21, 2008 7:14 pm

"Just because life sucks, doesn't mean you can just run away and hide like a coward. Toughen up." he frowned. What he was saying was just a tad hypocritical...considering he himself was in hiding. Whoops. "Yeah. And expensive. So don't...puke in it or anything." he grimaced.

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