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Just another homicide...

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:55 pm

"Reaaallly?" NightShade inquired," ...bullet proof...and shatter proof? Or just the prior?" The way he put it made the thief want to punch his window, to test the theory. Ever curious thing she was...but when she thought about it she'd like to see the smackdown that would ensue if Novak's precious baby's windows were shattered by Slame. She imagined Alex would go postal and they'd have to clear the area and evacuate the city to contain his rage.

"...As for his bad side..." she shrugged," I am a criminal and he is a detective thing with a badge who judging by his age must have some crazy drive...much like at my age I've got some crazy voodoo theft powers...and therefore he is destined to be my perfect enemy. So its you know..coming about eventually. We're only friends because you're a softy," she nudged Alex's arm," ...and since you wear such bad aviators, no one else wants to be your friend....cept...well you know...the scum of the earth."

She eyed Zee," ..Hope you don't mind me including you in the lot of "scum of the earth"....I find I'm really fond of a lot of the people who lurk about here. They're interesting you see," she turned her attention back to Novak," ...regardless...we need to come to a coming back to the dead kind of puts you on par with Jesus...I'd say you tell us the best decision oh Mister Bad Aviators...and then I will choose to agree or slap you upside the head."


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:57 pm

She laughed lightly and shrugged, "I don't see where a striptease in the middle of a crime scene would be the most seductive thing." She cleared her throat quietly, "To be frank, your little friend didn't seem to be the...." She paused, trying to find a good choice of words, "She seemed...mad when she saw you and I don't see how asking for a favor would make her...pleased."


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:33 pm

"I didn't say it was Nightshade proof." he smirked, giving her a look. He didn't doubt that she could break it for a second. And he didn't want her to prove it, either.

"She was mad because she saw me at all. I'm not supposed to be near Slame's crime scenes, especially with so many people around that could recognize me." he shrugged - he wasn't /too/ worried about it, unless Latha happened to be in one of her murderous moods later when she would likely confront him about it. Then he'd really be dead.

"Nightshade - though it's risky sending you out there, you're the most experienced with getting in and out of places unnoticed, and you know exactly what you're looking for. What we want is more people around that poor little girl's house, not your apartment. So I'll slip the media a juicy little secret they'll go nuts for- the cops will hardly be able to hold them back. I'll try to send some of the remaining guards after a non-existant bank robber or something. They wont all be gone, so if you /do/ get caught, I've got a shiny pair of handcuffs and a few evidence bags waiting for you and your things. Most cops are afraid of the Feds - they should hand you right over." Novak glanced to Zee, trying to find a job for her.

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:44 pm

"I guess that means I can't drive, huh?" a frown fell over her face. The answer should have been no, bullet proof windows or otherwise. No car was NightShade proof. The girl was a wanted criminal by the time it was legal for her to drive so she hadn't ever received any "official" or certified training in the field, and her experiences driving were generally getting away, which was kind of a haphazard bolt...and somewhat reckless. It was amazing she wasn't dead yet truly. As a result she was a plague to all automobiles, but out of necessity she knew the ins and outs of the city like the back of her hand...and could boast to outrunning many a cop in the back alleys of the cluttered streets. Being small and agile had its advantages.

"'re right...strip teases and dead girls don't go together...unless," she eyed Alex," Hey-- Novak does your dead identity's partner have some freaky fetishes? I mean...he does spend late nights hanging around them right? Its a possibility, isn't it?" she shrugged," ...meh...better not to risk it."

"I can't understand why she'd be mad at all. I mean seeing you should really be the least of her worries. At least she saw you in obnoxious glasses behind bullet-proof semi-tinted windows. I'd like to see her face if she found out you not only were out in public, but you grabbed a drugged up stripper and klepto-alcoholic and blatantly revealed your identity in a crowded area..." she tilted her head," Sometimes I wonder if you have more of a death wish than I could be more drinking yourself to death..or...running out of cafe's to a seventeen gun salute."

"I can do the sneaky sneak quite well. Also, I can get my brother to actually hold a bank up if you want...but um...can I have your credit card?"


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:55 pm

She groaned, "So what, I'm staying in the car?" a displeased expression moved onto her face as she pouted until she heard the word "stripper" and cringed, "Oh, sweetheart, sluts are strippers. Slut I am not, I'm just trying to get from point A to point B without needing to really -work- in the meantime. I also won't do another fetish.....ever." She thought over her request and squinted slightly, her fce brightening, "Are you shopping? Can I come?"


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:29 pm

"You're disgusting." he grimaced as Nightshade spoke about dead girl fetishes.

"My credit card? What for?" He remembered that Nightshade had lost all of her posessions in the fire...but his job didn't exactly pay well, either. And he didn't want his credit card ringing up for daggers, machine guns, booze, or whatever the hell interested Nightshade.

"You know, maybe she'd...understand." he smirked doubtfully. Latha sometimes ran with a questionable crowd, in his opinion.

"Don't worry, Zee, we'll find something for you to do. Just...look hott and make sure the cops don't take their eyes off of you." Novak flashed her a sheepish grin, knowing he probably deserved another slap in the face for it.

Ahaha sorry I just thought this was hilarious. Don't mind me. XD

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:07 pm

"Okay..not a stipper. My bad...I've never worked out the intricacies of which is which, you'll have to pardon that," she reached up to her head after a moment, untying the strip of cloth behind her head that worked as a bandanna and pocketed the fabric, letting her hair tumble into her face," Its not that exciting. I hate shopping. Loathe it with a passion. Nothing ever fits right...the bastards assume I'm a quadruple D cup..." she scowled with her arms folded, the fact of the matter was, the thief virtually had no boobs to speak of. An A cup was all she could handle...barely even capable of anywhere near a B cup. Again this worked in her favor for slipping through tight spaces, but as for filling out just didn't work. Shopping was the bane of her existence...well...police too.

"For what?" she quirked a brow," have you not heard me," She gestured to her pants as if it were plain as day what she were talking about," I hear me. In crowded streets...fwoosh fwoosh fwoosh..." she walked about for a few steps and after about ten it became clear what she was talking about. Her pants were somewhat baggy, and the fabric, when it collided with itself, made a swish noise," ...I just want a freaking pair of pants."

"I mean..shit if I'm going to be sneaking about you don't want me swooshing all over the place do you?" It probably wouldn't have mattered much. The noise wasn't that noticeable...but the thief was known to be paranoid about sound when she was creeping about..and it had served her well thus far.

"As for your friend...You said maybe. I don't want to bet anything on a maybe. You can chat it over with her later, if we have to. Like..say she comes to your house and asks why we're having a pajama party."


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:16 pm

"Ok, have a point." he muttered, suddenly becoming paranoid himself. "I've got to take all of this crap inside." Novak glanced to his small arsonal laying on the parking lot before moving towards it, gathering it up. "You want my keys?" he questioned, dangling them inbetween his fingers. They could multi-task - Nightshade could find her some spandex (XD), and he could get ready for later.

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:32 am

She pushed him for his comment and snatched his aviators away before turning to her, "We can use my card, since he's getting all pissy." She offered, the combination of the two careers made a decent enough cash flow to be able to handle her random shopping sprees. "I don't know if I've really had that problem." She admitted, grasping her chest with her hands, "They work with clothing, but they're the almost smallest at work so it doesn't work well with self-esteem." She shrugged, grabbing his keys when the noted the jingling and dropped them down her shirt, just in case he changed his mind.


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:42 am

"/Don't/ break those." he warned her with a glare. Novak sighed as they were busy discussing their chest size. "Can we please talk about something else?" he grimaced slightly. Sure, as a sometimes perverted guy he liked boobs, but talking about them was a /whole/ 'nother story. He eyed Zee smugly. "Don't think I wont reach down there." he raised his brows, crossing his arms.

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:44 am

ooc: hey I don't have much time to write this. I'm currently sitting pirating a signal at like zero strength from a cafe on the opposite side of town.

So here's the deal. You may not see me for a while. Katie knows this..but I guess the rest of you don't. I live in Iowa. At the moment the city is essentially on lockdown..water levels have risen 30 feet on the rivers in some areas...there's no way to get from one end of the town to the other.downtown is like almost underwater and everything has shut down with the exception of the hospital..and there's only one land route there that I know of at the moment. The internet is out where I live so despite my laptop I can't get online and powers going out. short. I'll see you all when the city is stable.

Much love,


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:21 pm

She snorted, placing her hands on her hips, as if accepting his challenge, "You wouldn't dare do something like that." She pointed out, her brow arched slowly as she eyed him back.
ooc: D: Awh. Stupid Iowa and their waters.


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:30 pm

Novak narrowed his eyes, moving closer to her. "You know what? I think you /want/ me to."

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:01 pm

"Been there, done that, not that good." She teased with a smug grin, twisting slightly away from him, "I just caught your bluff and I'm making it obvious."


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:17 pm

ooc: I can pirate a signal if I'm sitting at the very top of the lets give this a shot...

bic: "You know...I once saw something like this happen...except the two ended up screwing before all was said and done...which I'm entirely against. Not that I would mind the two of you getting down and dirty...hell Novak here might feel a little bit better when all is said and done...but if you're going to do that, just give me a credit card, I'll go get some pants...and then we'll be done."

"You can drive," she announced to Zee," I'll be in the car, the two of you can grope each other all you want but when you've got your jollies all under control...I'll be waiting," And with nothing but a slam of a car door to announce her exit, the thief was in the passenger's seat of the SUV, arms folded behind her head, looking like she was ready to take a nice nap.


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:23 pm

Just another homicide... - Page 5 Aap
Novak shot them both a look, before reluctantly fishing his credit card out of his wallet. He handed it to Nightshade, before looking to Zee again. "I'll be inside." he said akwardly. With that, he once again gathered his things and carried them inside.

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:31 pm

She snorted and climbed into the SUV, "Holy shit, this is alot bigger than a motorcycle." She muttered, starting it up and switching gears, "Anywhere in particular?" She asked, fixing the mirror as she drove. Except for the fact that she had exceeded the speed limit by 10 miles per hour, she wasn't a bad driver, she did tend to get a little irritated by other people's driving, expressing it with a finger.


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:42 pm

"Nowhere in particular..." she thought about this statement for a short period of time before changing her mind," ...rather...on second thought...there's this little outlet mall just off the main street...the one that was just under inspection the last week for a break in. Its kind of a goth styled store...but I know the guy who owns it...he'll have what I'm lookin' for."

If Zee's driving skills disturbed her, the only sign was an almost silent buckling of her seat belt," ...the investigation over the break in wasn't that important...the owner's a brutal guy...I feel sorry for the bastard that tried to rob him. I know for a fact he totes a shotgun with him almost everywhere he goes."

"...once we get there I'll run in..get my shit..and run out...I don't really want to leave Balto alone too don't think he'll survive without us...and two...well in case anyone saw him wandering around today I'd rather not have him dead again."


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:46 pm

Novak set his weapons down on his coffee table, picking up his sniper rifle before plopping down onto his beloved black leather couch. He inspected it carefully - he hadn't used it in a long time and wanted to make sure it was in perfect working order.

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:58 pm

She frowned slightly at the amount of time this wasn't going to take as she headed to where she remembered seeing it. However, after a short moment of a slight pout she shrugged, "Alrightie."


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:45 pm

"I'll be back in three minutes," she shifted for a moment int he car door sensing she'd burst the other's bubble," ...and assuming I don't get my ass thrown in jail and this all goes well...I'll treat you to a shopping spree...or go on one with you...whatever. You pick. back...real quick."

Real quick was an understatement, the thief was in and out in three minutes to the second to her word. Upon her return to the car she was sporting a new bag, with her new pair of pants, and a newly split lip. The bag in question was tossed to the floor in front of her feet in the passenger side as the thief threw herself in the car as well with a faint snort. The credit card was forced into one pocket and she buckled her seatbelt," ...three minutes," she murmured, licking the fresh blood off her lip," ...and you're not going to ask what happened. Just get us back."


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:09 pm

After he was satisfied with the condition of the rifle, Novak set the weapon on the table in front of him and stretched out on his couch, closing his eyes. He knew he wouldn't fall asleep - the guy had insomnia big time. But he could relax for a little bit until Nightshade and Zee returned.

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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:30 pm

She dug through her bag, the sound of metallic clanks and plastic bags could be heard comming from it before she handed her was seemed to be just an unbranded chapstick bottle, "Here, it'll make the bleeding stop and it'll make it heal faster." She offered, planning out her future shopping spree as she sped back.


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:45 pm

"Oh health risks, how you delight me," She stated, applying the chapstick as soon as she failed to coax forth a new stream of blood. Her lip tingled faintly, for a few moments, but the sensation was fleeting, and truth be told she hardly even realized it. The thief's mind was elsewhere, a statement clearly seen in her eyes even as she thanked Zee and returned the newly capped stick.

The altercation within the store had been short. Ridiculously fast even. She knew what pants she was heading for, she owned a pair, and they served her well in the past. The trouble had stirred up when she'd noted the presence of her brother in the store, talking to the owner. Once her purchase had been made she was struck with a horrible epiphany. The realization had lead to a punch in the face, a shot to her dignity, a few drops of blood, and whats worse another crack in her already fragile heart. The wound would not nearly have been so personal had it not been in the presence of her adoptive brother, even worse if it had not been by his hand.

"...I'm going to kick the shit out of my brother when this is all done with," She mumbled after a moments thought. The punch had been for her own good...and was the least of the problems that could arise from the situation. Her brother was not abusive by any means, but he didn't insult her by thinking she couldn't take a punch...and the attack at his hands would have been better than at the shop owner-- one of his bosses hands. NightShade had always known the owner of the store had some shady associates, but she knew what conversation she'd walked in on...and she knew exactly what business the man was doing behind the scenes...there was only one reason anyone would be conversing with her estranged brother in such a way..they wanted someone dead," I saw him in there...he was looking at a hideous pair of plaid pants...they'd look revolting."

Blatant lie.

But now she had a new weight on her mind...a horrible sneaking suspicion that her brother might've had something to do with the death of that little girl...and the thought alone made her want to dry heave as her lead stomach caved in upon itself.


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Just another homicide... - Page 5 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:59 am

Her head tilted quizzically, she never fully understood why people argued with their siblings, even if her brothers were always fighting. "You can keep it, no offense's fine."
Translation= Ew. Germs.
"Should I be asking more questions on your little...altercation?" She asked as she pulled into a parking space, she had sort of wanted to do some sort of damage on his car so she took it back out of "Park" and pulled forward just enought to give it a dent from the curb, them pulled back and took out the keys.


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