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Just another homicide...

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Just another homicide... - Page 9 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:09 pm

"Sorry," NightShade mumbled to Zee as she fell back a step," ...listen I don't know what you're capable of and maybe you had it under control...but if you didn't...well it happens to all of us. Happened to me. I couldn't take care of myself. Thats just my two cents."

She picked up what she had of her things, sheathing the daggers and finding her coat before heading for the apartment door. She wasn't sure exactly how they were going to pull things off, but at the very least she felt confidant with Latha helping out too, between her and Novak it seemed as if their chance of error was relatively small....then again..she'd been wrong before.


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Just another homicide... - Page 9 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:46 pm

( -sigh- Hopefully Latha will be on soon...and Raven.)

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Just another homicide... - Page 9 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:17 pm

ooc; Latha's here. Bring it. XD

Latha shot up from the side out of the couch at the sight of guns, wanting to reach for her own pistol-- not out of defense of anyone, just habit. Her arm was halfway up before she realized there wasn't a threat, and rolling her eyes after the little spat subsided, she slipped the Glock away.

"We can get whatever you need, NightShade... I need to get back there anyway... and then we can get this party started. But I'd love it if I could go change before then. I'm not exactly... uh, in my regular clothes." She glared down at her skirtsuit, loathing the thing with all her heart. "Besides, Novak and I need to show our faces back at the scene, otherwise we're going to get murdered for not doing our duties. And I'm not supposed to look like an ADA when I show up there, either."

She headed toward the door, cursing under her breath at being barefoot, then darted down the hall to her own apartment. She fought with the door as usual, ramming her shoulder against it to get it open. It hated her with all its existence, in more ways than one, she was sure of it. Once inside, she ditched her jacket, slipping into a pair of black slacks and yanking on a steel blue tank. She whirled around, not wanting to waste time, looking for shoes-- and finally found some boots that looked like they could do some serious damage. She yanked them on, dug both her badges out of suit she'd just worn, and grabbed her trench coat off the chair.

Latha's trench was one of the few things she actually loved, a worn black coat that held practically anything she cared about. She slipped her hands in the front pockets, grateful to be back in her element. And although she'd never admit it-- it made her feel strangely confident. She froze, about to lock up her apartment, when she thought of something. She darted back to her bedroom, hitting the floor and unlocking the gun safe stored under her bed. She pulled out two knives and strapped them to the inside of her forearms, smiling darkly. Just in case things went to hell.

Latha locked her apartment with an eyeroll, then headed a few doors down, halting in front of Novak's door. "By the way-- I'll be raiding that arsenal, Novak. I may use sidearms, but I love automatics as much as anyone." She smirked slightly.

((Sorry for the quick reply-- I don't have much time, considering I'm at work, aha. XD))

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Join date : 2008-05-13

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Just another homicide... - Page 9 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:25 pm

Novak gathered his arsonal to put back in his trunk, just in case they didn't have time to return. He made sure to cover the items with a blanket so nobody outside would see just exactly what he was carrying. If he were more organized, he'd probably have some fancy case to put all of it in - but he was sort of a slob, being a bachelor and all. "You mean /you/ need to show your face." he corrected, once Latha returned. "Slame's there." He waited for everyone to get out of the apartment before locking it up, heading down the hall.

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Just another homicide... - Page 9 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:13 am

"Oooh...So I've found a fellow trenchcoat wearer who is not completely goth and hopeless?" a row arched as a grin flickered over her features," ...I just need to get a few things. Pictures and keepsakes. Truthfully, all I really need is a small stack of pictures, a book, my flute," a lesser known talent of the thief," my daggers, and a dream catcher. Most things should be safe inside a fire proof bag...its..just the pictures I'm worried about really."

"Don't let the feds know I'm a sentimental piece of shit or else I'm going to be in some big trouble," she grinned, something sad behind her expression, and she shrugged," once we pass that point, I'll do whatever you need me to do in return..and I plan on following Novak about...I might be rusty, but I'm not useless...and I guarantee I can still break into any place quieter than 90% of this city even out of practice."


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Just another homicide... - Page 9 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:36 pm

She had sat in the back seat, her ice blue eyes fixaded on her heels, almost in a trance-like state, her eyebrows stuck in a quizzical arch as she toyed with a little silver airplane charm on her necklace, making it fly around the area infront of her silently. The only other movement she made was when she crossed her legs, her long legs making her knee press into the seat infront of her.


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Just another homicide... - Page 9 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:07 pm

Once Novak had packed his things in his trunk, he got into the driver's seat, starting the vehicle. Once everyone was in, he headed towards their destination - Nightshade's poor, burned-down apartment building. He slipped on a new pair of dark black aviators, which were nice for hiding one's face.

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Join date : 2008-05-11

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