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Just another homicide...

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Just another homicide

Post  Justice16 Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:37 pm

ooc; Hm-I've found that I'm skimming through names and not reading any of the roleplay.... o--o; Its too much to read for me personally-I'm lost. Shocked


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:56 pm

ooc: AWESOME. This is what I'm best at...really ridiculously simple summaries. SO ARE YOU READY!?!?!

Alright so. Slame, Latha, and crew are all still back at the crime scene. NightShade Andante (played by me) is a wanted criminal going under the false name of Lyrra Watson..she lives in the apartment that was burned down..her ID is still lurking somewhere around the crime scene, or part of it, so she's avoiding returning home for fear of being arrested. Alex Novak, the former partner of Slame, (by katie) is an old friend of hers, and currently hiding his identity because people want him dead. Zee (injectio) is an old friend of Alex's as well..Zee is an exotic dancer/druggie. The three of them left the scene of the crime for Alex's apartment, with a minor detour to get Nightshade some pants (she plans on sneaking back into the scene later to retrieve what belongings of hers she can). While at the apartment they ran into Rogue/Phoebe, who is another old friend of Alex+NightShade. Hugs ensued.

ELEVEN one paragraph. more or less.


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:04 am

(Amazing. ^^)

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Ne Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:18 am

ooc: -floats about-...yoohooo....


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:36 pm

(Wait...whos turn is it? o.o )

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:45 pm

ooc: Technically Ish would be our best to go at this point. injectio could go as the next best route...and able to squeek in there? Not me. I couldn't pull posting again. That'd be a double/two in a row/ sort of deal


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:06 am

-shrugs- I didn't go because there was nothing for me to say.....


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Just another homicide...

Post  Justice16 Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:14 pm

ooc; There is like-No plot in this is there. Wow-


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:33 am

ooc: Thus far..not a whole lot. There's not much we can move on with in plot until the two who are key components show...I mean...we sort of would need...everyone at the crime scene...for this to move on in that area. Which...we...kind of don't have. There's..not a whole lot I can do about that though, as you can see and there's certain liberties I can't take. We need latha or slame. x.x


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:49 pm

(Yeah...I'll try to talk to them...)

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:50 pm


Okay, first of all, all I can think of with Pheobe is RAAAAAAVE. <3 I'm a raver, so this makes me dance with happiness, as I frequently wear extremely bright clothing (or cybergothic clothing-- unless I'm feeling bipolar, otherwise I wear black xD) and dance in public. Although I do not do drugs, I lovelovelove the rave scene.

Finally got over here... I'd love to jump in, if someone would like to direct me... I've tried to read everything [thank the gods for summaries] and I just don't know where to throw Latha in. But Neon's right. We have... like, no plot there at all. Let's fix it.

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:39 pm

ooc: Latha is a lot easier to figure in than Slame. I'm quite glad you're here, and quite glad you liked my summary. IT IS MY GIFT IN LIFE. don't want to hear me let loose on a history lesson. I condense a thousand years into a paragraph of ridiculousness. xP I assume Latha knows where Balto/Novak lives correct? They sort of caused somewhat of a commotion around his car before they left...and if she'd caught a glimpse of NightShade getting into the car at all...well she's a well known criminal in the area...Latha would clearly have reason to flip a bitch on Balto-- assuming she can drag herself away from the crime scene...or let Slame take care of it for a while. Or you could find Night's ID under Lyrra Watson around the crime scene...MIRACULOUSLY UNBURNT...they make those things tough I tell you. And then put two and two together that OHSHITSHEGOTINTHECARWITHNOVAK. But there's my ten cents. Two cents. Whatever its worth.

In other news...I think LOLRAVE is the way we all view Rogue...lovingly...until she shoots you in the face. (:


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:38 pm


It's a pleasure to be here, aha. I've been a little bit busy with work and LGBT pride parades and the like, but I'm also raring to roleplay, so it's all good. That's a rather good gift in life by the way, mine are unfortunately not so... condensing-y. xD ANYWAY, mmkay, I pretty much get where everything is going. I was actually thinking Latha somehow end up at home (she lives a few doors down from Novak) and be like "WTFPEOPLE?!" because there isn't supposed to be anyone in his old apartment. And then she can flip a bitch. It will be fun. However, I'll have to tie everything in... I like the ID idea, because it can very well involve kicking down doors, which is always a party.

I think I'll just run with this.

And LOLRAVE is always a good thing. x3

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  KT Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:50 pm

(Awesome! ^^ Sorry, I'm gonna speed things up a bit so that they're in Novak's apartment. I hope you guys don't mind!)
"Let's get inside." Novak motioned to the group of three, wanting to get out of the public eye. Plus, he wanted to figure out if Nightshade still wanted to go get her things, and he needed to prepare for later tonight as well. He led them to apartment number 29 on the second floor. "Make yourself at home. Drinks are in the fridge." he told them, loosening his tie.


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:41 pm

Latha rocked back and forth impatiently, hands in her pockets, feeling the urge to yank on her gloves and start processing. That's what she was there for, anyway, not to sit around and debate the territorial rights of the departments. Besides, she had witnesses to protect... one of which happened to be flaunting his little aviator glasses for the media to see. And she thought he'd actually learned something for once. She had to do it, though... she was a Marshal, and considering one of her charge's relations was currently the focus of a murder investigation, she needed to up her watch on all of them.

She glanced at Slame for a few seconds. Maybe she'd do him a favor, let him do his job until she could come back, this time with gold shield and partner in tow. Make his day slightly less... something. Latha wasn't one for kindness, but Slame seemed to be a rare ally. Besides, his boss knew her boss... she could pass on the word that Stabler and Novak would be at the scene ASAP before dashing off to go beat some sense into Alex. And she really needed to change. The attorney look wasn't doing her any good.

With an angry, resentful sigh, she headed over to the edge of the tape, casting a glance back over her shoulder. "If SVU comes looking for their detectives, tell Captian Cross that Stabler will get her sorry ass here as soon as she can. Exactly like that." Someone was bound to pass on the message, even if it was just one of the uniforms standing by, and hopefully she wouldn't get too many threatening phone calls for ditching the scene. But right now she had work to do.

She ducked under the tape, but not before a thin, plastic card caught her eye. For a second she thought it was some reporter's ID-- but no, it was a driver's license (take a bit o' liberty there xD;) and if anything, a rather smoke-damaged one. Latha was instinctively suspicious-- okay, you had to be a complete idiot not the make the smoke-fire-death connection-- and picked it up after slipping a latex glove on one hand. The name was unfamiliar, but the picture... it made a few things register. First, Latha realized she had an idea about who it was. Second, she realized she'd just seen said person with Novak. Oh, and third: Novak's SUV was gone.

Well, wasn't she royally fucked?

With that, Latha was out of the starting gate, fighting through the crowd, angry at Novak but mostly at herself for being so damn careless. "MOVE, I'm a fucking US Marshal damnit, movemovemove!" It didn't matter who anyone was anymore, as long as she got out of the crush of people. She dug for her keys and managed not to kill herself in her heels at the same time, hissing out profanity with every step. She somehow managed to locate her beat-up black Neon amid the rows of vehicles-- actually, it was the squad's, although she used it for practically everything on and off the clock-- and rammed the keys in the ignition, screaming at the engine as it started, practically flooring the accelerator. She could use the lights on the dash, since she didn't have a top hat, but this wasn't a PD case... Latha didn't have much time to think, as Novak could be in some deep shit at the moment, and his safety was her responsibility. Not that she honestly thought that "Lyrra Watson" was the one targeting Novak... but, well, the whole witness protection thing also meant protecting witnesses from themselves. And Novak was definitely a handful.

She hand an inkling of where he'd be. Hell, it's where she would have gone if she was in hiding, too. Latha headed toward her own apartment, still swearing at every light and taking turns at way too high of speeds. She hit the breaks in front of the complex, a few buildings down from their actual unit, planning out what she'd scream at Novak even as she checked the clip on her Glock. She kicked off her heels, slammed the door, and hit the pavement barefoot, skidding up the stairs. She knew exactly where she was going, and it was only a few seconds before her gun was drawn and she hit the door hard with her shoulder. She didn't even have time to process who was there-- just that there was people, and she knew damn well there wasn't supposed to be anyone.

"Everyone put your fucking hands where I can see them! Do it NOW!"

ooc; Whew, that should do it. And thanks, Katie-- I wasn't sure of that. xD I know I rushed things a bit, but why take five posts for what can take one, eh?

Last edited by TrialByJury on Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:19 pm

She had been walking around with a can of whipped cream from his fridge -it had been the first place she had gone-, so the substance shot out of her mouth when she snorted with amusment at the sudden entrance. She spun on her heel before sitting on the back of the leather couch, digging through her purse to find her cell phone, completely unchanged by female. Normally sarcasm would be pouring from her mouth during a moment like this, but her mouth was full. So instead, she waved with her free hand as she took out the phone with the other.


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  KT Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:17 pm

Novak, unlike Zee, was caught completely off-guard for once. He stumbled backwards in suprise, nearly tripping over his coffee table. "Jesus Christ, Latha! What the hell!? Put that away!" he panted as soon as he realized who she was, recovering from a near heart attack. He quickly moved towards his partner, trying to lower the gun himself. "It's ok. I know these people, alright? They're not trying to kill me." he looked her straight in the eye, trying to keep his voice down. Novak knew he had broken the 'rules', but he didn't really care, either. He might start caring if Latha went into one of her homicidal moods, though. His brown eyes darted to his busted door. "Great. I'll bet that thing doesn't shut now." he muttered, putting an arm around Latha to lead her inside - something he normally wouldn't do. She hated to be touched, and if anyone knew it, it was Novak.


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:57 pm

Latha stiffened at Novak's touch, practically hissing through her teeth. She tried to shrug out of his grasp but was unsuccessful, considering she still had her pistol in a death grip, although it was lowered. Oh well, he'd have to hear her tirade at extremely close range. All the better. "Detective Alexander Novak, you made me run up here barefoot, stepping on who knows what, for a fucking party?! Do you KNOW what that does to me? First you show up at a scene I said distinctly for you not to be at-- and then you manage to actually find people and end up HERE, if all places. You have an apartment. It isn't this one. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm here to make sure you don't do shit like this?" She shook her head, breathing hard, trying to fight off the headache that had multiplied in intensity since earlier that morning. "I'm not going to lie. I honestly don't anyone here is going to kill you. But you are setting it up for someone to, and it just might be me."

She flexed her wrists, slowly relaxing until her Glock was at her side. "Shit, Novak. Shit. Don't do this anymore-- got it?"

Exhaling, Latha rolled her neck, flinching still at Novak's arm around her, sizing up the situation even as she attempted to relax. She flashed everyone in the room a sarcastic grin, still recovering, but hiding it behind her usual demeanor. "Lathalia Cameron, everyone. It's such a pleasure to meet you. I wasn't aware Alex actually had friends. It's a breakthrough." She glanced around quickly, her eyes scanning the room methodically. "I'm sure you all know who he really is, so I'm not going to pretend. He probably notified you about who I am." Her eyes landed on the the woman eating whipped cream, and she almost laughed. "Charming, really. And if I wasn't so damn pissed off by our friend here, I'd probably be angered by that. But considering I'm already seething... it's a little bit difficult." Latha paused, blinking, before recognition flickered across her face. "By the way, I have something for a certain Ms. "Watson". If Cross finds out I jacked evidence from a crime scene, he's going to kick my ass to next Tuesday."

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:20 pm

She swallowed, wiping what had spewed out off her lip, "Zee if you so desire, Lady-who's name-I-won't-remember." She greeted honestly before tipping backwards onto the couch with her phone to her ear to call her boss; her long legs swinging back and forth over the back of the couch.


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Ne Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:34 pm

NightShade Andante was currently in the bathroom. The sound of the door being bashed in and the shout was lost in the sound of a rattling paper bag from the store, and a very loud thunk as she fell onto her own behind pulling her pants up...landing full force on her tailbone in the bath-tub," Alex needs a better damend carpet she growled wriggling into her pants. Only to decide it was time for a bathroom break.

After doing her business she re-donned the pants, and checked them out in the mirror...which required standing on the ledge of the bath-tub but it worked for her. Oooh..sneaky and stylish. Her favorite. And made of a very soft leather that didn't squeak, but prevented road rash if say she hijacked a motorcycle and crashed it. Furthermore the size of the belt was a perfect fit for the belt that held her daggers, and the leather was just a shade or two darker than her coat. She looked more like her old self again and not like a drunken slob.

"Hey you guys, I think going back home is totally going to work..these pants are amazing...and look..they're fucking hot," she stated walking out of the bathroom thinking she had a new favorite pair of pants...and then she saw Latha, and her daggers were out, her spidey senses for police tingling. That and...well the gun in Latha's hand didn't do her nerves well...and the drawing of her own weapons was simply out of reaction. Her expression also immediately changed from an aloof grin, to a flat and chilling poker face.

The look lasted a fourth of a second when she became cognizant of a number of issues against her. First and foremost, Latha had a gun, and was likely a faster shot than Night was a dagger throw...she was sure she could probably do injury to Latha, but she would likely end up dead for her trouble. Secondly...Alex was likely to get angry...or stabbed too. His close trajectory to Latha was a high risk factor, and NightShade wouldn't risk his life for something really ridiculous...and his arm was around her..which made it seem that she was at least mildly friendly..or had been until NightShade had drawn.

"Ahmm..." she spun the weapons in her hands a moment before sheathing them and placing her hands out before her," I'm going to make a little inference that you are the one responsible for keeping him on a child leash...aaand..." her brain processed the last bit of the conversation that ran through her ears before she'd popped out of the bathroom and reacted," ...Lyrra Watson?"

Fuck said her brain. "That would be me...did I mention I work for the circus juggling knives...was...just going to give everyone a demonstration when you walked my knife juggling pants. Yep." Awful lie...but she was out of practice and had zero thinking was conceivable...right?


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Admin Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:44 pm

Novak looked both annoyed and exhausted as Latha berrated him. "I didn't /make/ you do anything." he snapped. "Look - these are people who I thought were dead for years. I think that gives me a pretty damn good reason to see them. So I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't kill them." Novak narrowed his eyes, removing his arm from around her, as she obviously was about to break it off. Instead, he acted as a barrier bewteen Nightshade and Latha. "Just...try to calm down. Take a deep breath." he raised his brows, half-expecting Latha to break his nose or something.

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  injectio Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:57 pm

As soon as Zee got of the phone she responded to her surroundings; "Okay. Hell yeah those pants are hot, but that was a lame ass cover-up. Second, third, and fourth, I didn't even know you were 'dead' in all honesty, I seriously don't know why you were all reading obituaries for shits and giggles, and might you have a phone book?" After all her statments had been spoken she gave herself another shot of whipped cream as she sat up to sit on the couch properly.


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:46 pm

"Okay, okay." Latha glared at Novak, exhaling, but finally dropping her hands to her sides. She still wanted to take a swing or two at him, but that was pretty much just the adrenaline still coursing through her system. "I understand who they are-- look, I'm not going to do a thing to them, and I mean it-- but you made my pulse spike back there. I'm responsible for your safety. If anyone takes you out, it's my head. I know it's reciprocal, I know we're partners... but Novak, it's my duty. At least let me know... and don't make meetings in such a high-visibility place, especially around people who know you as more than a detective. Understand?" The Marshal shook her head, feeling slightly lightheaded, but more than anything thankful things hadn't spun out of control.

That lasted about three milliseconds. Latha was caught slightly off-guard by the appearance of NightShade and her knives. She tensed, but only for a few seconds-- the only thing that would really terrify anymore her was being blindfolded in a dark room while some sadistic SOB played Russian roulette, or, well, if some stranger got too close-- and she cracked a smile. Weapons had a way of making her happy.

"Damn, I've been through hell and back, and never have I seen someone who could handle blades like that. You have got to teach me... 'Lyrra'." Sirens and flashing lights had long gone off in her head that the name was just an alias, but until she had a real identity... well, for all intensive purposes she was Lyrra Watson. She slipped the ID out of her pocket-- red Evidence plastic and all-- and tossed it to her. "Don't mind that. I don't give a shit about anyone's criminal records, because I'm honestly not particularly straight-edged. So at least they can't connect you back to whatever the hell went down at the scene." She shot Novak a look. "I'm here because I'm like you all. I know him as he really is. And as long as no one else is going to come, like, out of any dark corners or anything... consider my entrance made."

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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  Neon Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:28 am

"Oh shut your face," she mumbled at Zee, though a grin lingered on her face...she had just been complimented after all," I wasn't really expecting someone with a gun to be standing in the living room. I could be a knife juggler," she paused," ...actually thats not true...I could juggle two but any more than that and I might give myself one sexy jugular piercing."

She peered at Latha for a moment, sizing her up. Hesitantly she took a step forward and picked the ID up, frowning at it and wrinkling her nose," awful picture," she remarked, pocketing the ashen hunk of plastic after removing it from its containment. Her blue eyes lifted, a grin freshly repainted on her face," Hey...Alex...your crazy bitch friend actually isn't half bad. I kinda like her," and with that she closed the distance between them.

"NightShade Andante," She greeted Latha with a little bow," At your service," She pulled one of the blades back out and flipped it around her wrist a moment or two," I could...attempt to teach you," she watched the light bounce off the blade as it moved, dropping it, recatching it, and putting it back in its sheathing," I've been using them since I was still single digits in age. My weapon of choice, deadly in my hands, an annoying jabby toy in someone elses...not to mention I never have to reload, and I don't need any silencing attachments. I'm not much of a teacher though...I sort of don't pay attention to what I'm doing anymore," she shrugged and trotted over next to Alex, tossing an arm around one of his shoulders.

"As for "Alex" here," She remarked," No one's going to take him out. I promise. Me and him go way back...and he still owes me a bottle of vodka. If anyone attempts I'm going to fillet their ball sack and feet it to them," the statement was punctuated with a large grin.


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Just another homicide... - Page 7 Empty Re: Just another homicide...

Post  TrialByJury Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:15 pm

Latha grinned as well-- oh, yeah, she and this chick were definitely on the same wavelength. "He owes you alcohol? I think we're going to get along very well, Ms. NightShade Andante." She shrugged slightly, glancing down at her hands, which were ringed with hair-thin scars. "I'm a quick learner... and I'm not exactly a novice when it comes to knives, as I carry in case my baby ever fails me, although that hasn't happened yet. Kicked our sniper friend's ass with it in target practice, too." She touched the top of her pistol lovingly, tracing the smooth metal with the tip of her finger. "It may not be subtle, but neither am I."

She paused, cursing under her breath, and adjusted her suit yet again-- damn, she really needed to get out of the thing, especially since she was barefoot. It wasn't her usual clothing, and made her feel weak, ineffective. She glanced back up at NightShade and returned the grin. "Novak and I? We hate each other cordially-- and he's going to argue with me about that in approximately two seconds." She shot him a look, shaking her head. "Doesn't agree with 99% of the things I do, yet we're partners."

ooc; I kept on feeling like I was forgetting to do something today-- ahaha, I forget to reply. xD I also had waaay too much time on my hands and started making icons for everyone here. xDD

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